*^~*~^* The Official What Are My Chances/Where to Apply Thread Part 2

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Seriously, dude, I think you're overreacting....
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Please continue to discuss your apps with your fellow SDNers here. :)

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Major: Pharmacology/Toxicology
Minor: Biochemistry
GPA: 3.85 science, 3.8 overall
mCAT: 29N (8 PS, 11 VR, 10 B)

-fraternity (service oriented)
-shooter and school representative for division 1 rifle team
-officer for multiple clubs
-TA organic, general, and analytical chemistry

-5 semester undergrad doing renal toxicology research, no publications - all grant work
-currently serve as research assistant at big medical center (full time)
-Three summer long internship in a quality assurance department for a big time candy company.

-about 8 hours/week -> Chief of pathology at a top 5 hospital
-other random sit ins
-no clinical volunteer work, but lots of philanthropy through fraternity

Letters of Recommendation: Very Strong

Personal Statement: Average

Schools that I want to go to (PA Resident):

Penn State
Temple (1 LOR writer from here)
University of Maryland
George Washington
Ohio State (2 LOR from here)

I applied to a bunch of others but I don't really want to go to them as much.

I don't really know what happened on the mCAT. I was pulling 32s easily, such is life though, a 29 isn't that bad. I live within about 50 miles of all the schools in PA except for Pitt, and I live next to Hershey. I want to practice in central PA, does that matter to them at all? I have a very unique transcript with at least 75 credits of advanced biochemistry, anatomy, histology, physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacognosy and other crazy stuff.

So what are my chances?
Major: Pharmacology/Toxicology
Minor: Biochemistry
GPA: 3.85 science, 3.8 overall
mCAT: 29N (8 PS, 11 VR, 10 B)

-fraternity (service oriented)
-shooter and school representative for division 1 rifle team
-officer for multiple clubs
-TA organic, general, and analytical chemistry

-5 semester undergrad doing renal toxicology research, no publications - all grant work
-currently serve as research assistant at big medical center (full time)
-Three summer long internship in a quality assurance department for a big time candy company.

-about 8 hours/week -> Chief of pathology at a top 5 hospital
-other random sit ins
-no clinical volunteer work, but lots of philanthropy through fraternity

Letters of Recommendation: Very Strong

Personal Statement: Average

Schools that I want to go to (PA Resident):

Penn State
Temple (1 LOR writer from here)
University of Maryland
George Washington
Ohio State (2 LOR from here)

I applied to a bunch of others but I don't really want to go to them as much.

I don't really know what happened on the mCAT. I was pulling 32s easily, such is life though, a 29 isn't that bad. I live within about 50 miles of all the schools in PA except for Pitt, and I live next to Hershey. I want to practice in central PA, does that matter to them at all? I have a very unique transcript with at least 75 credits of advanced biochemistry, anatomy, histology, physiology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacognosy and other crazy stuff.

So what are my chances?

your MCAT hurts you a little, but I think you have excellent chances at Temple, Drexel, and Jefferson. Lack of clinical volunteering might be an issue, but if you have hours from your frat, it should be fine. Whats your age/eth?
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Ok, got my MCAT today... disappointing, but maybe just good enough...?

Double Major: Biology, Earth & Geographic Science (GIS)
UMass Boston (UMB)
GPA: AMCAS gives me 3.119 BMCP, 3.74 other
MCAT: 27P (10VR, 8PS, 9B)
Graduated spring 2007 with B.S.
Age: 23

Caveat on GPA:
I graduated with a 3.7 culm from UMass Boston. Prior to UMB I spent two years at UMass Amherst where I had a terrible year in which I failed 3 classes (calc 2, chem 2 twice, later took chem 2 again and got a B).
No excuses, but I address this in my essay as my gf had hodgkin's disease, was not diagnosed until after those classes, but spent lots of time crossing the state to be with her those semesters when I didn't know what was wrong.
So those 3 classes tanked my BMCP GPA, even though I was consistently above 3.5 all years (final note: w/o failed classes my BCMP is 3.62)


Founded the UMass Boston Sustainability Club (club was recently featured in the Boston Globe)
Served as President of Sustainability Club for 2 years
Founded the UMass Boston Renewable Energy Trust, $5 student fee for renewable energy at UMB
Senator on the Undergraduate Student Senate
Boston Medical Reserve Corps, training for leadership level volunteer, started in July
Volunteer weekly at Joslin Diabetes Center started in June
Volunteer with Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (and male ;)) started in June
Fenway Solar Energy Committee member
various other stuff, but above are the major/clinical ones


Dean's list 6 semesters (all 4 semesters at UMB)
Graduated with Distinction in Biology
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
Honors in Biology (senior research thesis)
Kathryn F. Furcolo award for Outstanding Internship in the Public Service (awarded from UMass Amherst)
Certificate of Excellence for research poster presentation at research symposium
Award for Leadership, Undergrad Student Senate UMB


Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Accredited Professional (United States Green Building Council)
Massachusetts Certified Rape Crisis Counselor
Boston Med Reserve Corps Certified Response Level Volunteer


1 year senior thesis "Geospatial Analysis of the potential energy, environmental and health benefits of green roofs for the Muddy River watershed"
In June began new research job with Massachusetts General Hospital, lead author on 1 publication submitting in fall, author on several others as well through next 6-12 months.

Shadowing: 8 hours, possibly more in September

Letter of Rec: very strong (I hope!)

PS: Strong? (how can one tell?)

Plan to apply to:

Harvard (1 rec writer faculty, possibly 2)
SUNY Downstate
U Illinois Chicago

what others should I add? not bother with some of these?

So, given all of that, should I take the MCAT again in September?? I know I could've done better and can break 30 with a retake...

Final note: Will be taking Organic Chem at Harvard Extension this fall and spring (UMB let us get away without it!) and probably Calc 2 next summer (should I bother with calc 2?)

Thanks in advance for any advice... I'm seriously considering taking the MCAT again in September and just wondering if it is worth it at this point.
PS: 9
VR: 13
BS: 13

Avg GPA 3.8
Science GPA 3.7

I would love to go to Pitt - is it too late to apply this year? I just got my MCAT score back today and am ecstatic about the total, but worried because its a little off balance with that 9 in PS.

Oh, and I have my Master's as a Physician Assistant, I have over 2000 clinical hours with direct patient care.

Other ECs include volunteer work, president of a few organizations, a year of research, etc.

Any thoughts? Is it worth it to try to rush and get it in this year, or should I just wait and be ready first thing next cycle?
I think you could try to apply... its a bit late, but your stats are pretty good. Have you submitted AMCAS yet?

PS: 9
VR: 13
BS: 13

Avg GPA 3.8
Science GPA 3.7

I would love to go to Pitt - is it too late to apply this year? I just got my MCAT score back today and am ecstatic about the total, but worried because its a little off balance with that 9 in PS.

Oh, and I have my Master's as a Physician Assistant, I have over 2000 clinical hours with direct patient care.

Other ECs include volunteer work, president of a few organizations, a year of research, etc.

Any thoughts? Is it worth it to try to rush and get it in this year, or should I just wait and be ready first thing next cycle?
Well I was just waiting on my MCAT score, so as soon as its loaded I'll be ready.
Well I was just waiting on my MCAT score, so as soon as its loaded I'll be ready.

Meaning you've already submitted AMCAS and specified schools or are waiting for your MCAT to submit it?
Everything's filled out on the AAMCAS site except the "standardized test" portion which says incomplete. I've specified schools and all that. It won't let me select the "submit application" button, I assumed that was because my MCAT wasn't there yet. They have my transcripts and everything if thats what you mean.

Btw thanks for taking the time to reply and help me out!
I imagine you should still get interviews even submitting your primary now. It's a little late but it isn't that bad. You may want to pre-write all the secondaries for the schools you're interested in though. With your stats I don't think it'd be a waste to apply.
Sorry didn't see this thread before I made a new one:

Here, pasted from the one I started,


Hi, just wondering if anyone could give me some tips on schools to apply to....I live in Canada, so can't apply to too many and don't have time to do a lotta applications, so basically just going to try for ones I might have a chance.

My cGPA is about 3.8 and my MCAT is 32S (10 VR, 10PS, 12 BS and S for writing ~ but I retook, dunno if that makes a difference, last time was 26S: 8 PS, 8 VR, 10 BS, and S for writing).

Extracurriculars: Research for 1 year (no publication yet, but they're submitting abstract to large conference), Volunteering for 3 years at one hospital, other random volunteering, execs in clubs, etc.

I remember trolling these forums back when I was an undergrad a couple of years ago. After having gone through a semester away due to Hurricane Katrina and completing an MS in Pharmacology I am sorry to say that at times it seems that I have lost sight of my goal. In an attempt to regain some vision of my aspiration to become a doctor I decided to throw up another one of those "what are my chances" threads which, is probably about the trillionth one made by now. The purpose of this thread is not to be original, but to quite possibly get some serious feedback from the wonderful people here at SDN.

I'm going to lay this down briefly as I know that everybody hates reading long posts:

3.43 cumulative undergrad GPA
MS in Pharmacology 3.7 GPA (pending completion of thesis)
-Leadership exp.
-Clinical laboratory exp.
-Hospital volunteer exp.
-Math tutor exp.
^ I won't get into the specifics about these in effort to keep this post short

I will be taking the MCAT this September for the first time.

I am well aware that my undergraduate GPA is low if not very low to apply and hope for an acceptance at an MD school. However, I did show a solid upward trend throughout undergraduate school: 3.7 cumulative and 3.5 BCPM GPAs not including my freshman year (completed that year with around a 2.3).

My question is, is it worth applying to an MD school with these numbers granted I can pull of a 27+ on the MCAT (because that is basically all you are through the initial screening process), because I am almost certain I could gain acceptance to a DO school. I am interested in programs like the ACP at Tulane U. which is sort of a "foot in the front door" type of program and would be willing to invest in such.

I am just looking for some general input and am not sure if I should have posted this thread in this forum, the allopathic or the reapplicant section, but I took a gamble and decided to post here.
if someone has a 3.1 or 3.3 gpa but shines on mcat, reqs, experience and gets the application in early...is there any chance? or does the below a 3.5gpa crush all?
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if someone has a 3.1 or 3.3 gpa but shines on mcat, reqs, experience and gets the application in early...is there any chance? or does the below a 3.5gpa crush all?

you should have a good explanation for that gpa, and you really have to crush the MCAT, like 35+, up hill battle though, but definately not a deal breaker. With that said, you better have saved a child in Africa.....
I need some feedback on my application. My friends and family have only served as my cheering section and haven't offered me any realistic criticism. I'm not looking for a confidence boost, just some different opinions from some well-informed ppl. thanksss

I need some feedback on my application. My friends and family have only served as my cheering section and haven't offered me any realistic criticism. I'm not looking for a confidence boost, just some different opinions from some well-informed ppl. thanksss


looks good, MCAT is about average, GPA is below average, and ECs are above average. You're an URM so that'll work toward your favor, overall a pretty competitive app for many of the schools you applied to(the NJ schools especially), maybe not so for cornell and the top ones, but with URM you never know.
am i screwing myself with these stats and school choices? i'm getting more nervous as i took the MCATs again on aug 16 hoping to raise my scores, but i don't think i did too hot... i'd appreciate any feedback.

MCAT: 31O (12PS, 9VR, 10BS)
GPA: 3.63 from an ivy league
BPCM: 3.67

1 year hospital volunteer (400+ hours, service award nominee)
1 year research (1st author of abstract in journal with IF ~8, pending 2nd authorship in a full article)
various student leadership positions (residential program house VP, heath advocacy group treasurer)
C.E.O. of entrepreneurial startup (semi-finalist in $125,000 competition)
martial arts (bronze medalist at national competition)

starting a 1 year stint with the Community Health Corps (part of AmeriCorps) next week...

should be really strong (from a prof, my lab PI, and hospital volunteer coordinator)

Mt. Sinai
NY Med
SUNY (Downstate)
Univ of Ill (@ Chicago)
UMass (MA resident)
Apply to more schools, and definitely get more academic letters. Do you have a committee letter?

am i screwing myself with these stats and school choices? i'm getting more nervous as i took the MCATs again on aug 16 hoping to raise my scores, but i don't think i did too hot... i'd appreciate any feedback.

MCAT: 31O (12PS, 9VR, 10BS)
GPA: 3.63 from an ivy league
BPCM: 3.67

1 year hospital volunteer (400+ hours, service award nominee)
1 year research (1st author of abstract in journal with IF ~8, pending 2nd authorship in a full article)
various student leadership positions (residential program house VP, heath advocacy group treasurer)
C.E.O. of entrepreneurial startup (semi-finalist in $125,000 competition)
martial arts (bronze medalist at national competition)

starting a 1 year stint with the Community Health Corps (part of AmeriCorps) next week...

should be really strong (from a prof, my lab PI, and hospital volunteer coordinator)

Mt. Sinai
NY Med
SUNY (Downstate)
Univ of Ill (@ Chicago)
UMass (MA resident)
No your choices are fine. You have a good range of schools in here. Your MCAT is your weakest link, but i think you know that. And only 1 prof rec letter? You should get two, one science, one non.
am i screwing myself with these stats and school choices? i'm getting more nervous as i took the MCATs again on aug 16 hoping to raise my scores, but i don't think i did too hot... i'd appreciate any feedback.

MCAT: 31O (12PS, 9VR, 10BS)
GPA: 3.63 from an ivy league
BPCM: 3.67

Mt. Sinai
NY Med
SUNY (Downstate)
Univ of Ill (@ Chicago)
UMass (MA resident)
It's pretty late in the game to send in my AMCAS...I thought I would give it a shot but now I'm having doubts...

~3.2 Overall GPA (incl. postbacc)
~3.0 BCPM GPA (incl. postbacc)

~3.8 Postbacc GPA
~3.65 Postbacc BCPM

First MCAT: 28P
Was planning to retake Aug 20th!!

Research, Public Health, Several Awards, Community Service, Leadership, Clinical Experience...all that good stuff.
2 yrs breast cancer research
1.5 yrs reproductive health research
Vice president for premed club (2 yrs)
AmeriCorps (1 year)
1000+ hrs community service work
300+ hrs clinical volunteer work
etc, etc, etc

As you can see, the numbers aren't so great. Miracles happen.
But I feel that I do have some strong activities... plus an upward GPA trend. I think I'm capable of doing much better on the MCAT (having doubts about this August one though!) but given more time...

Unfortunately I've been agonizing over my personal statement for months and months! So my primary hasn't been sent out...

Should I even apply this year? Money is not the issue.
Or...if I apply next year, what can I do to enhance my application? Any suggestions/feedback is greatly appreciated!
Don't apply this early. I would take a few more classes and raise your GPA a bit more, study for the MCAT, retake it in the winter, and apply broadly in June. ECs seem good so if you can improve your GPA/MCAT a bit you should have a good chance to get in to some places.

It's pretty late in the game to send in my AMCAS...I thought I would give it a shot but now I'm having doubts...

~3.2 Overall GPA (incl. postbacc)
~3.0 BCPM GPA (incl. postbacc)

~3.8 Postbacc GPA
~3.65 Postbacc BCPM

First MCAT: 28P
Was planning to retake Aug 20th!!

Research, Public Health, Several Awards, Community Service, Leadership, Clinical Experience...all that good stuff.
2 yrs breast cancer research
1.5 yrs reproductive health research
Vice president for premed club (2 yrs)
AmeriCorps (1 year)
1000+ hrs community service work
300+ hrs clinical volunteer work
etc, etc, etc

As you can see, the numbers aren't so great. Miracles happen.
But I feel that I do have some strong activities... plus an upward GPA trend. I think I'm capable of doing much better on the MCAT (having doubts about this August one though!) but given more time...

Unfortunately I've been agonizing over my personal statement for months and months! So my primary hasn't been sent out...

Should I even apply this year? Money is not the issue.
Or...if I apply next year, what can I do to enhance my application? Any suggestions/feedback is greatly appreciated!
thanks for the feedback. i am getting a committee letter so i dunno if that makes much of a differenec... i guess it's just wait and see now.
Everything's filled out on the AAMCAS site except the "standardized test" portion which says incomplete. I've specified schools and all that. It won't let me select the "submit application" button, I assumed that was because my MCAT wasn't there yet. They have my transcripts and everything if thats what you mean.

Btw thanks for taking the time to reply and help me out!

That's really odd. I submitted my primary app for verification on 6/5, and my MCAT score didn't come out until 7/18. No reason that should hold you up from being able to submit.... Otherwise, I think you have an excellent app. Just get your primary in ASAP as well as all secondaries you get. Good luck!

I've already submitted my AMCAs, and am working on my last few secondaries.

My stats:

GPA: 3.91 (BCPM: 3.94); I graduated from a top 10 school
MCAT: 34 (10 VR, 13 PS, 11 BS)

My extracurriculars and letters are extremely strong. I did thesis research in physics as an undergrad, and have been involved in some HIV research post-bacc; I don't have any publications though. I've put most of my energy into community service projects. I've also won a few academic and community service awards.

I'm interested in quite a few top 15 schools, but I know my MCATs are average-ish for them. In any case, I've applied extremely broadly, and would be happy at a number of places. I'm wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on if it is worth it to submit secondaries at schools like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc...I would love to attend any of these schools, but am not interested in shelling out the cash if I don't have much of a chance to begin with.


I've already submitted my AMCAs, and am working on my last few secondaries.

My stats:

GPA: 3.91 (BCPM: 3.94); I graduated from a top 10 school
MCAT: 34 (10 VR, 13 PS, 11 BS)

My extracurriculars and letters are extremely strong. I did thesis research in physics as an undergrad, and have been involved in some HIV research post-bacc; I don't have any publications though. I've put most of my energy into community service projects. I've also won a few academic and community service awards.

I'm interested in quite a few top 15 schools, but I know my MCATs are average-ish for them. In any case, I've applied extremely broadly, and would be happy at a number of places. I'm wondering if anyone could give me an opinion on if it is worth it to submit secondaries at schools like Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc...I would love to attend any of these schools, but am not interested in shelling out the cash if I don't have much of a chance to begin with.


You probably have as good a shot as anyone else, go for it.
School: Michigan
Major: Engineering, Biomedical
Race: South-East Asian (Indian)
Residency: MI

GPA: 3.64
BCPM: 3.62
(My first two years my gpa was around a 3.4 but i brought it up by 4.0ing junior year, hopefully schools weight the last year's gpa more)

MCAT: 36 M

EC: 3 Years of Alternative Spring Break
2 Years as ASB Site Leader
Hospital Volunteering
Oncology Research (14 hrs week for 6 months, still ongoing)
Intern to director of public health
IM Sports

Lettes of Rec: Lab PI, two profs, director of public health for my county


Wayne State
University of Chicago
Univerisity of Washington
Case Western

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I am thinking about doing a research oriented MD (as of now, once med school starts that could change).
if someone has a 3.1 or 3.3 gpa but shines on mcat, reqs, experience and gets the application in early...is there any chance? or does the below a 3.5gpa crush all?

Even with a good MCAT and ECs, etc., the chanes of getting in on your first try are real slim. Usually people with a really low GPA like this do an SMP to get in. That's your best option also.
I just got my MCAT scores from the July 13th test. I've already finished AMCAS and most of my secondary applications but in light of my new score I'm wondering if I have a shot at a top tier school.

Here are my stats:

MCAT: 35O (12 VR, 11 PS, 12 BS)
GPA: Undergrad - University of Colorado, Boulder 3.95 overall/3.93 science
Major: Molecular Biology
Minor: Biochemistry

GPA: Grad school - Georgetown 3.51
Major: Physiology

Hospital Volunteer for 1 years (2 hrs a week)
Health Information Library volunteer (in hospital) 3 years (2 hrs a week)
Research 3 years (received Manga Cum Laude for thesis work)

Currently working at Columbia University as a lab tech, will be about 1 year next month.

Any input is appreciated :)
I just got my MCAT scores from the July 13th test. I've already finished AMCAS and most of my secondary applications but in light of my new score I'm wondering if I have a shot at a top tier school.

Here are my stats:

MCAT: 35O (12 VR, 11 PS, 12 BS)
GPA: Undergrad - University of Colorado, Boulder 3.95 overall/3.93 science
Major: Molecular Biology
Minor: Biochemistry

GPA: Grad school - Georgetown 3.51
Major: Physiology

Hospital Volunteer for 1 years (2 hrs a week)
Health Information Library volunteer (in hospital) 3 years (2 hrs a week)
Research 3 years (received Manga Cum Laude for thesis work)

Currently working at Columbia University as a lab tech, will be about 1 year next month.

Any input is appreciated :)

That Georgetown degree is a masters in Physiology? That's diff than the SMP, right?
No, it's the smp at Georgetown. But still a masters ;)
No, it's the smp at Georgetown. But still a masters ;)

I'm a bit confused as to why you'd do the SMP when you have a 3.9x GPA apparently as a premed as opposed to just applying to medical school?
Hi, just wanted to put mine out there to get some opinion, I've applied this year to a variety of schools but I was wondering, should I prepare to get rejected ie, start getting my depression face on, and if so, what should i improve on so i can get ahead of the game next round, is it just my MCAT score i should rely on?

GPA 3.82 BCPM: 3.8
MCAT 29. PS:10 BS:9 VR:10. Q
Major: East Asian Language and Lit/Chemistry

3 years research for Zoology department: 2 pubs 2 presentations
1 year research for Asian Language and Lit department 1 pub
2 years volunteering in hospital ER department
2 Summers of shadowing in a US hospital
1 Summer of Shadowing in a hospital in China, I was also asked to instruct English there, lived in the hospital.
Co founder and chair of a charity event at a convention 1 year.

Oh yeah, awards, um, the standard stuff that can be expected. PBK, GK, two research awards both for my asian studies research.

I get the i need to continue research and volunteering (switching to hospice work now)

but if i get blasted across the board, is it just the MCAT that's dragging me?

if i do get blasted, should i apply in consecutive years with the only thing differing my MCAT and maybe an extra year added to those activities?
Hi, just wanted to put mine out there to get some opinion, I've applied this year to a variety of schools but I was wondering, should I prepare to get rejected ie, start getting my depression face on, and if so, what should i improve on so i can get ahead of the game next round, is it just my MCAT score i should rely on?

GPA 3.82 BCPM: 3.8
MCAT 29. PS:10 BS:9 VR:10. Q
Major: East Asian Language and Lit/Chemistry

3 years research for Zoology department: 2 pubs 2 presentations
1 year research for Asian Language and Lit department 1 pub
2 years volunteering in hospital ER department
2 Summers of shadowing in a US hospital
1 Summer of Shadowing in a hospital in China, I was also asked to instruct English there, lived in the hospital.
Co founder and chair of a charity event at a convention 1 year.

I get the i need to continue research and volunteering (switching to hospice work now)

but if i get blasted across the board, is it just the MCAT that's dragging me?

What schools did you apply to? It sounds like you're a good applicant with nice ECs and should get into some good schools, assuming you applied broadly and not just to the top 10...
I did have pretty ok GPA but at the time I only had a 29 MCAT. I felt that I really wasn't going to be competitve enough.
I did have pretty ok GPA but at the time I only had a 29 MCAT. I felt that I really wasn't going to be competitve enough.

3.95 GPA is "pretty ok"? I think you've been spending too much time on SDN...

Anyways, 3.5 GPA at a SMP is good and you should have a great shot at top schools even applying this late.
Haha thanks. Yeah sometimes it's hard to remember what the norm is when you're on SDN. :p
What schools did you apply to? It sounds like you're a good applicant with nice ECs and should get into some good schools, assuming you applied broadly and not just to the top 10...

Wow, dont mean to personalize this and hijack the thread but I was half expecting you to tell me the bad news, you or the two medical student posters in recent. Because you guys have been most active in these "chance" threads.

I was thinking "drizzt is gonna kill me....with his panther!" ( it is a panther right?)

Thanks for the encouragement, for the info, i sampled from top 10(3) top 25(5) top 50 (15) and two in state schoosl, i skipped the public OOS ones.
Wow, dont mean to personalize this and hijack the thread but I was half expecting you to tell me the bad news, you or the two medical student posters in recent. Because you guys have been most active in these "chance" threads.

I was thinking "drizzt is gonna kill me....with his panther!" ( it is a panther right?)

Thanks for the encouragement, for the info, i sampled from top 10(3) top 25(5) top 50 (15) and two in state schoosl, i skipped the public OOS ones.

Yeah, drizzt owns this thread! (Btw, he has a "panther?") I used to post in it more, but he's got the market cornered on solid advice, and he's fast! As usual, I agree with his advice completely. It'd help to know what state you have residence in, but if you apply broadly you should be fine, and NOT have to start planning your reapp year already. Just keep up what you're doing, apply broadly (which means to a bunch of schools in your range), get the secondaries out ASAP, and keep your head up. It's easy (but wrong) to feel like you don't have much of a shot on SDN if you don't have a 32+.

I have my AMCAS verified and I am currently working on completing my secondaries. (I hope to be done with all of them before labor day, when my college starts)

Here are my stats:

School: Michigan
Major: Engineering, Biomedical
Race: South-East Asian (Indian)
Residency: MI

GPA: 3.64
BCPM: 3.62
(My first two years my gpa was around a 3.4 but i brought it up by 4.0ing junior year, hopefully schools weight the last year's gpa more)

MCAT: 36 M

EC: 3 Years of Alternative Spring Break
2 Years as ASB Site Leader
Hospital Volunteering
Oncology Research (14 hrs week for 6 months, still ongoing)
Intern to director of public health
IM Sports

Lettes of Rec: Lab PI, two profs, director of public health for my county


Wayne State
University of Chicago
Univerisity of Washington
Case Western

As of now, I am thinking of doing clinical research but I freely admit that my first year medical school experiences could change that.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also, do you think I should apply to more schools since I shot myself in the foot by applying so late?

Thanks alot

I have my AMCAS verified and I am currently working on completing my secondaries. (I hope to be done with all of them before labor day, when my college starts)

Here are my stats:

School: Michigan
Major: Engineering, Biomedical
Race: South-East Asian (Indian)
Residency: MI

GPA: 3.64
BCPM: 3.62
(My first two years my gpa was around a 3.4 but i brought it up by 4.0ing junior year, hopefully schools weight the last year's gpa more)

MCAT: 36 M

EC: 3 Years of Alternative Spring Break
2 Years as ASB Site Leader
Hospital Volunteering
Oncology Research (14 hrs week for 6 months, still ongoing)
Intern to director of public health
IM Sports

Lettes of Rec: Lab PI, two profs, director of public health for my county


Wayne State
University of Chicago
Univerisity of Washington
Case Western

As of now, I am thinking of doing clinical research but I freely admit that my first year medical school experiences could change that.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Also, do you think I should apply to more schools since I shot myself in the foot by applying so late?

Thanks alot

I think that your app sounds great, but given your later applications and the incredibly selective schools you listed above, I'd think of adding a couple of mid-tier schools. Perhaps five. The only school I think you could remotely consider a "safety" would be Wayne State (you're OOS for Miami, so I don't think you can consider it a safe bet), and you never know (they could not interview you thinking that you probably wouldn't end up going there). So, better safe than sorry (unless you ONLY want to go to those schools, and don't mind reapplying earlier next year). Good luck!
I think that your app sounds great, but given your later applications and the incredibly selective schools you listed above, I'd think of adding a couple of mid-tier schools. Perhaps five. The only school I think you could remotely consider a "safety" would be Wayne State (you're OOS for Miami, so I don't think you can consider it a safe bet), and you never know (they could not interview you thinking that you probably wouldn't end up going there). So, better safe than sorry (unless you ONLY want to go to those schools, and don't mind reapplying earlier next year). Good luck!

Good advice, I'd add about 5-7 schools, probably MCW, Rush, Loyola, RFU, MSU, and maybe some ohio schools. I also think you're aiming slightly high. Your MCAT will be slightly above average for some of those schools but your GPA will be about 0.15-0.20 below the accepted average at top tier.
Hi Everyone-
I just got my MCAT scores back 10/9/7 (VR/PS/BS- not sure what happened with my bio) overall a 26P. My GPA is a 3.8 and 3.8 science. I work at a neurosurgeon's office to support myself. I volunteered at a hospital and now volunteer at a hospice. I also work as a student tutor (supplemental instruction). I am also a clinical coordinator for an FDA approved clinical research study. I submitted my AMCAS application, what do you think my chances are this cycle? Or should I wait till next cylce?
Hi Everyone-
I just got my MCAT scores back 10/9/7 (VR/PS/BS- not sure what happened with my bio) overall a 26P. My GPA is a 3.8 and 3.8 science. I work at a neurosurgeon's office to support myself. I volunteered at a hospital and now volunteer at a hospice. I also work as a student tutor (supplemental instruction). I am also a clinical coordinator for an FDA approved clinical research study. I submitted my AMCAS application, what do you think my chances are this cycle? Or should I wait till next cylce?

If you submitted your AMCAS, you will be a reapplicant next year no matter what you do now to all the schools that you designated to receive your primary. That means you should probably just go through with the application. I think you'll have an outside shot at some schools but you may have to reapply.
Hi everyone. Posted this else where as well, but I'm still uncertain about my MCAT

PS 10
VR 8
BS 10

Total = 28Q all above 8 :oops:

GPA = 3.65 engineering major from top engineering school
Science GPA = 3.67
NY Resident
Lots of research experience, summer research program, pending publication
Lots of leadership activities, president of campus organization
Average hospital experience.

My primary application is already submitted. Should I continue with this year? I'm hoping for NY schools: Buffalo, Rochester, Stony Brook, Upstate, Albert Einstein, maybe NYMC.

Do I have a shot at these schools or MCW, Vermont, Tulane, Drexel, Jefferson? I will submit secondaries before September...is that late?
Hi everyone. Posted this else where as well, but I'm still uncertain about my MCAT

PS 10
VR 8
BS 10

Total = 28Q all above 8 :oops:

GPA = 3.65 engineering major from top engineering school
Science GPA = 3.67
NY Resident
Lots of research experience, summer research program, pending publication
Lots of leadership activities, president of campus organization
Average hospital experience.

My primary application is already submitted. Should I continue with this year? I'm hoping for NY schools: Buffalo, Rochester, Stony Brook, Upstate, Albert Einstein, maybe NYMC.

Do I have a shot at these schools or MCW, Vermont, Tulane, Drexel, Jefferson? I will submit secondaries before September...is that late?

Read the post I just made above. If you've submitted AMCAS, then go through with it.
Read the post I just made above. If you've submitted AMCAS, then go through with it.

Thanks drizzt, I'll definitely apply. But what are my chances? My spirits are sunk and it feels like I'm obligated to apply with less than average stats. Is it just SDN getting to me or can I get in this year?
Thanks drizzt, I'll definitely apply. But what are my chances? My spirits are sunk and it feels like I'm obligated to apply with less than average stats. Is it just SDN getting to me or can I get in this year?

I think you've definitely got a shot, and since your primary is already in, go for it. Apply to all of the schools you listed. I'm not up on all of the instate NY schools, but apply to them all. Also, perhaps add Temple and RFU? While you have a 28, at least it's got decent balance, and I think your gpa sounds good as well as your ECs (but no volunteer work?). You'd probably have a much better shot if you were applying early, but since you've already started, I say give it your all. Use this site to get all of the secondary essay questions and pre-write them, and turn those secondaries around same day or one day. If your personal statement is great and you've got great ECs I think schools will see that and you'll get a shot. Good luck!
Thanks drizzt, I'll definitely apply. But what are my chances? My spirits are sunk and it feels like I'm obligated to apply with less than average stats. Is it just SDN getting to me or can I get in this year?

I'd say you have a decent chance if you apply broadly. Yeah, your MCAT isn't particularly high, but its not too far off the average of some of the schools, and your GPA will be a bit above average. Just make sure you apply to a lot (25+ schools) and do it fast! Since you've already submitted AMCAS you're not too far behind but you need to churn out those secondaries (but still do a good job on them) Good luck!
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