Please - some pre-scramble help!

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Sep 6, 2001
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Can anyone give me info. about NV or AZ - or west coast programs just in case there is an opening tomorrow. I hear NM is pretty good. I'd like to stay in the West if possible. Thanks.


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Having interviewed all over the country, I'm planning to stay at UNM. The more I've learned about this program (strange how as a student you don't necessarily start of knowing that much about the training programs at your institution!), the more interested in it I've become. I have a number of compelling reasons to stay in Albuquerque, and I can't say that I would have stayed if these reasons vanished, but I'm quite satisfied with the prospect of training here. See my post called more interview feedback if you want 2 more of my cents on the program.

Plus, living in Abq is mostly great! (weather, cost of living, culturally...)

Are you scrambling in from another specialty choice or what?
gyri - just sent you a PM. Thanks!!
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I sent you a PM back.

Gyri and Psychobabble - I sent PMs to you. Thanks again for your help.
