Official 2009-2010 AMCAS Verification Thread

This forum made possible through the generous support of SDN members, donors, and sponsors. Thank you.
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date

Members don't see this ad.
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2

Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
Members don't see this ad :)
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2

Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Members don't see this ad :)
is there a correlation between when your transcripts were received and your time to be verified, given that you submitted your application within the first 1 or 2 days?
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Verified 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2
aphios5 - Submitted 6/2
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Trancripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010- Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88- Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix- Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217-Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe-Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88-Submitted 6/2
doxycycline-Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
If anyone wants to finish the 2008 data and start collecting on 2009, let me know and I will give you ownership of the data. Also, if someone gets verified in 1 day, they are probably EDP applicants and will get priority at any time during the process. Leave them out of the data for a smoother curve.

Not a true statement. I am not EDP and submitted yesterday at 10:04AM and was verified when I woke up this morning at 10:14AM. So it isn't only EDP that can be verified in a day.
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Last edited:
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
I got verified today (6/3) an hour after submission. They're blazing fast...
I got verified today (6/3) an hour after submission. They're blazing fast...

why is mine taking so long? :( i'm nervous because of the strange transcript situation (see my mdapps if you're curious).
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
is there a correlation between when your transcripts were received and your time to be verified, given that you submitted your application within the first 1 or 2 days?

Hm.. you would expect so. But looking at the results, It seems something else plays a role. Are they doing them according to last name or first name??? This seems logical but then the whole SDN mantra of submit early falls apart. Look here,
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2


aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13

I am not sure if people would be willing to put their initials in, but may be they will.
Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :eek:

so many people submitted their app already. now i really want to click submit but have to wait. UGGHHHHH!!!

Stupid FAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It shouldn't take too long. They got back to me within 3 days of receiving my info. But, it may take longer depending on your financial situation
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
hey womp, when did you submit today? i submitted mine already but its not verified...transcripts received 5/17
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
For those of you who have already been verified, did you get an email about it or did you just check the amcas website?
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28, Verified 6/3
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27

sweet got my pharm courses as bcpm! helps boost that gpa some
Another curiosity... for those of you who are verified, how many transcripts do you have in all?

interesting point. yo tengo tres trannies. (thanks for this new term, flip. it has made my life better already.)

EDIT: oh, and i'm not verified. so maybe that's why. hm.
Last edited:
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1; Verified 6/3
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28, Verified 6/3
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1; Verified 6/3
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28, Verified 6/3
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27
prudvi- Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29,
interesting point. yo tengo tres trannies. (thanks for this new term, flip. it has made my life better already.)

EDIT: oh, and i'm not verified. so maybe that's why. hm.

I've got three too, and I'm verified. My last one was in the 21st of May.
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1; Verified 6/3
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28, Verified 6/3
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27
prudvi- Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29,
PlaceboEffect - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/1
1) Click "quote" on the most recent post.
2) Add your name and submission date.
3) Delete the quote tags at both the top and the bottom.
4) When your AMCAS is verified, come back and add the day your transcripts were received and the date you were verified to your previous entry.
5) After you submit, check to see if anyone new posted right before you. If so, edit your post to add them. :)

ksmi117 - Submitted: 6/2
, Transcript Received: 5/21, Verified: 6/2
Suenya - Submitted: 6/2, Verified: 6/2
Wahoo2010 - Submitted: 6/2 Verified 6/2
pharaoh88 - Submitted 6/2, Transcript Received 5/22, Verified 6/2
Akademix - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/2
Phlame217 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts recieved 5/18 & 5/22, Verified 6/2
gongjubabe - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
FML - Submitted: 6/2; Transcripts Received 5/14 & 5/21, Verified 6/2
Modi206 - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
EckXXX - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/2
debbidala - Submitted: 6/2, (Last) transcript received: 6/2 (whew!), Verified: 6/2
Klemptor - Submitted 6/2
Bryson17 - Submitted: 6/2 Transcripts: 5/18 Verified:6/3
ChairmanMao- Submitted 6/2
labgirl - Submitted: 6/2
gflip88 - Submitted 6/2
doxycycline - Submitted 6/2
lmouse2488 - Submitted 6/2 Transcripts received: 5/22 and 6/1; Verified 6/3
Dr Zaius - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
deano5709 - Submitted 6/2
BlueElmo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript received: 6/1
Sandey - Submitted 6/2
RRTinCO - Submitted 6/2; Verified 6/3
Futurepittmed - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/27 and 6/1
Lukkie - Submitted 6/2
Elijah05 - Submitted 6/2
Neelson88 - Submitted 6/2
linkin06 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/28, Verified 6/3
ablondechic - Submitted 6/2
not so calm now - Submitted 6/2, Verified 6/3
marele86 - Submitted 6/2
dw2158 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts received 5/13, 5/19, 5/28
aphios5 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts received: 5/12, 5/13
amikhchi - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/15
likeagozilla - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/18, 5/22
s28w - Submitted 6/2
LaCasta - Submitted 6/2
flip26 - Submitted 6/2
NeuroChaos - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 5/22
metallica81788 - Submitted: 6/2, Transcipt Received: 5/? forgot the date
ygree001 - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/30
lrkoehle - Submitted 6/2, Transcripts Received 5/12, 5/26, & 5/26
ellajane - Submitted 6/2
womp - Submitted 6/3, Verified 6/3, Transcripts Received 6/1
straight talk - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/18
Art8718 - Submitted 6/3
Jolt21 - Submitted 6/3, Last Transcript Received 6/2
Soba - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/?
twostep376 - Submitted 6/3, Transcripts Received 5/26
Luun - Submitted: 6/2, Transcript Received: 6/3
alphagojo - Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29
Magus - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/2
Recyclingbinh - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 5/27
prudvi- Submitted: 6/2, Transcripts Received: 5/29,
PlaceboEffect - Submitted: 6/3, Transcripts Received: 6/1