Grief Lab/PI recommendations

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The Cinnabon

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2+ Year Member
Jul 12, 2019
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Hello SDN, the time is soon coming closer that I need to start working on my initial SOP drafts (especially because I'll be unavailable toward the end of the summer). My research interests naturally changed/evolved getting full-time RA experience. Thus far I've cultivated a decent school list focusing mostly on PTSD oriented labs, but I also want to throw in some labs that specialize in Complicated Grief.

So far I have: Mary-Frances O'Connor at Arizona and Sidney Zisook at UCSD.

I know that this is a smaller field but are there any other names you seasoned folk might suggest?

(This is for PhD apps if that wasn't obvious enough)

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M. Catherine Shear at Columbia does a lot with prolonged grief, but she's an MD so I'm not sure if there are opportunities for psych students there. Worth looking into, though - it's called the Center for Prolonged Grief.
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Let's see, there is Holly Prigerson at Cornell, Bonanno at Columbia, Papa at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Joah Williams at the University of Missouri - KC, and Rheingold at MUSC. There are quite a few more, but those are the people I am most familiar with. Neimeyer at the University of Memphis is another one, but I'm not sure what his lab is doing these days.
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Let's see, there is Holly Prigerson at Cornell, Bonanno at Columbia, Papa at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Joah Williams at the University of Missouri - KC, and Rheingold at MUSC. There are quite a few more, but those are the people I am most familiar with. Neimeyer at the University of Memphis is another one, but I'm not sure what his lab is doing these days.
Thank you so much! In retrospect I do remember some of these names. I guess they just slipped my mind.
M. Catherine Shear at Columbia does a lot with prolonged grief, but she's an MD so I'm not sure if there are opportunities for psych students there. Worth looking into, though - it's called the Center for Prolonged Grief.
She does amazing work but as far as I'm aware the only way to be mentored by her is to be a Social Work PhD candidate at Columbia.