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Going to St. George's with husband, child, and pregnant..


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Jul 13, 2001
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I am going to St. George's in the Caribbean with my husband who will be a student, our 3 year old, and I will be 6 1/2 months pregnant when we leave. We are going in January..and just got the acceptance last week..so only have like 7-8 weeks to pack up everything. Anyone want to chat? I have heard that they have a great SO group there. I am an RN, but won't be able to work there, but guess it is ok, because we will be having this baby, and we are starting to home school our 3 year old..good luck everyone in this journey..I went thru premed with him being married and with out 3 year old...it seems so crazy sometimes.! :)

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Wow, it sounds like it will be really exciting! Are you concerned at all about the hospital there and the delivery of your baby?

What a neat adventure! It must be stressful packing everything up on such short notice though! My hubby and I moved fromGermany to N. Ireland when our firstborn was 6 months old and from N. Ireland to the US when I had a 15 mo. old and a 5 week old, and it was NUTS! I look back on those times now though...all of the excitement and stress, and they really are some of our best memories from training...

I am a mol. biologist who is currently a SAHM....We have three children, ages 6,5 and 2 and my husband is finally finished with residency!

If you ever want to chat, feel free to email me... :D


Yes I am a little nervous..but haven't decided where to deliver the baby yet...here or in the Caribbean...I will be seeing my Dr. Monday, so we can discuss my options. Congrats on your hubby finishing residency! It must feel wonderful to have him back!

Would you have to stay in the states until the baby is born if you decide to have it here?

It is nice to finish residency!!!!!..though I think we'll be in an uphill climb for a few years as we try and start digging ourselves out of debt. It is nice to have him around more often now....we almost never saw him during fellowship :eek: The hours that he is working now don't even begin to compare...I'm glad that he did the fellowship though, because he's doing what he really loves and feels passionate about...It was a long road, but in the end...I think that we will decide that it was worth it.

Does your husband know what area of medicine he wants to go into?
