study advice

  1. S

    MCAT Study/Application Preparation Questions (And Panic)

    Hi everybody, my goal is to enter medical school in the 2018 cycle, so I am planning to take the MCAT in mid-June. I hear this is already a little late, considering the idea of "rolling admissions", and possibly missing a spot, but as it stands, I have done no prep so far. I bought all 6 (Or 7?)...
  2. P

    My experience with the 2017 NAPLEX and study info

    So I was a 2016 graduate from a 3 year program in which I started in 2012. I ended up taking a 1 year break between the 2nd and 3rd year. After I graduated, I took the NAPLEX about 9 months later. I had some stuff come up with family which didn't allow me to take it right after graduation...
  3. NaDaniel

    MCAT practice tests

    I'm looking for a good list of MCAT practice exams and questions. I want to acquire as much practice working through problems, getting a feel for what to expect, and simulating test experiences as possible. I have a good grasp on the practical material and feel my weakness at the moment lies in...
  4. R

    Grades - really upset and feel hopeless :( I don't know what to do.

    I really don't know who to go to advice about this and to be honest I'm kind of embarresed. I've been crying all day and I've never felt more stupid. I'm taking molecular genetics and the class is pretty much based on just our test grades. On the first exam I got an 80, which I guess I was okay...
  5. H

    MCAT NEXT Week

    I am taking the AAMC's 2017 mock MCAT this Saturday and the real MCAT the following Saturday. This only gives me 7 days to efficiently study my weakest areas (determined by the mock exam) before the real deal. Does anyone have any super efficient studying tips they can impart. Personally, when...
  6. S

    DAT + OTHER questions about Dental school!

    Hey guys, I am a junior at UCLA and am majoring in a social science. I am NOT planning on applying to Dental school until June of 2017, but aiming for the next cycle. I've taken Anatomy, finished the the General Chemistry series, Statistics and am currently enrolled in Biology. (Planning on...
  7. PhilosophicalMed

    Tips for staying focused?

    I am just wrapping up my first semester of pre-med. My GPA isn't even close to what I wanted it to be. Cumulatively, I have a 3.6 from classes that I got college credit for in high school, (which makes me feel a lot better.) The point of this post isn't to complain about my GPA, though. I have...
  8. N

    Premed flash cards making my own

    Hello I need some assistance finding which information from each section is going to be on the MCAT. I have looked through the forum a lot, and still found very little on how to go about gathering the correct standardized information (even if I have to make 6000 cards). Please help, maybe some...
  9. D

    NPTE January 2017

    So this is my second time taking the NPTE. I received a 562 on the October exam. Am I too hopeful to think I will pass in January or do you think thats a close enough score to be able to get it the next time? Studying is terrible but I have changed my techniques. I'm using O'Sullivans...