low gpa

  1. J

    2 low points in GPA with upward trend at the end

    Not sure how to approach doing a DIY postbacc, SMP, or applying 2025 I feel like having one low dip in your GPA is a red flag, so I was wondering how screwed I would be with 2 dips. The first GPA dip occurred while taking dual credit classes in high school (didn't really take school seriously...
  2. nakdolski

    Do I have a chance of getting into a Masters?

    Currently pursuing a CS major at a respected university (top 40) with 72 credits completed, I've had a change of heart towards dentistry. After 2+ years of mental health issues and acting like an idiot I’ve completely bombed my GPA.(2 flat) I’m currently in the middle of a 2 year leave of...
  3. R

    MD & DO WAMC 3.59/3.075 519 MCAT low gpa/high (?) MCAT with lots of red flags, institutional action (details given)

    Edited for some privacy ~~ Hello, looking for some advice. C in Chem grades across all four years brought GPA down, with no upward trend. I believe there are a few issues with my overall app. I bolded things that may be red flags due to being started recently or other issues. General major...
  4. D

    WAMC - 2nd Application Cycle Low GPA

    22, M, Resident of WICHE State, 2nd application cycle Last cycle I applied to Arizona, Kansas, Washington, Colorado, WesternU and have heard back from all except for western. I was waitlisted at Washington State as a WICHE student but was denied WICHE funding. Otherwise I was rejected from all...
  5. B

    SMP or DIY postbac?

    Hello! I am a recent undergraduate (spring 23) with a cgpa of 3.3 and a sgpa of 3.0 and an MCAT of 505. I took a break to reconsider mediciine and reflect/take time off after a long year. I’m considering my options and I’m not sure whether I should take an SMP with a linkage or a DIY postbac? My...
  6. jstkeepswimming

    WAMC/School List/Non-Trad Reinvention Reapplicant

    Hello, I am looking for some advice on my chances and what else I can do to improve. I am a California resident and an ORM. GPA: GPA/Hours (this is my BCPM gpa, my everything else included cgpa is very close to this one, 3.04). A little background: I was just an unfocused student and a...
  7. ApplyPoint

    Considering Applying to a Caribbean Medical School? Meet the “Big Four.”

    Students with lower MCAT scores and GPAs are more likely to be accepted to allopathic schools abroad than in the U.S. Due to Israel’s 2022 announcement that foreign students may no longer matriculate to Israeli medical programs, you'll be looking at the islands. Schools in the Caribbean are...
  8. P

    Low GPA and Wrong major

    Hi, So I recently graduated undergrad with a 2.7 GPA, I had lots of issues in life happening which resulted in that. I want to go Dental but I’m not sure where to start. Should I go to CC, Masters Program, or Post-bacc program to get both pre-reqs and a higher GPA? If you have ANY advice at...
  9. Seldentaleli

    Please Help: Masters vs. Post Bacc?

    Hello everyone, I really need some help and will take any advice I can get! I made a post a couple of days ago but decided to make a more detailed one to provide more information. I graduated college with a 2.45uGPA and even lower sGPA. Since, I have taken a large course load of courses every...
  10. I

    WAMC, Canadian student 3.3 cGPA, 3.83 GPA in last 2 years/60 credits

    Hi everyone, I completed my undergrad in lifesci with a 3.3 cumulative GPA and 3.83 GPA in the recent two years of undergrad. I graduated in 2021 and have been working in sales since because of responsibilities and having to take care of finances and survive on my own. I am yet to write my MCAT...
  11. ghibli786

    WAMC low ugpa good masters gpa

    Date of submission: Mid June Overall uGPA: 3.1 Science uGPA: 2.9 Overall Masters GPA: 3.95 Science Masters GPA: 3.9 DAT score (include AA and all sections): AA=23 TS=23 GC=22 QR=22 BIO=27 OC=20 RC=24 PAT=19 State of Residence: NY Undergrad & Grad Attended: Public State School Major: Bio Minor...
  12. T

    What are my chances? Non-traditional student

    Hi, I'm seeking some advice as a non-traditional applicant. I completed my BA in Psychology and graduated in Dec 2022 with a 3.27 GPA. I worked full time through out my undergrad at multiple small-animal GPs. During my senior year I began working full time as an ER assistant in a well known...
  13. R

    WAMC 3.37sGPA / 3.49 cGPA | 517 MCAT

    Hello All, currently getting ready to apply and looking at my chances for this cycle. I'm not feeling too good about my GPA and extracurriculars. Would appreciate any realistic advice on what chances I have at going to medical school. Thanks for any help :) GPA: 3.49 cGPA / 3.37 sGPA / 3.27...
  14. C

    Low GPA; How can I better my chances? Is there still a shot?

    Hi, I'm an ORM VA resident. I currently have a very low GPA. I'd say around a 2.4 at 40 hours. Freshman year, my grandma died and it took a massive impact on me. Then, spring semester, I got cheated on and that also messed up my mental health (decided to go to therapy after this because was...
  15. J

    I’m in the ARMY as an Airborne medic. I’m going to go to medical school. I’ve got a 3.0 GPA and 500 MCAT. Masters?

    Alright so I have a hell of a story. I dropped out in 10th grade and worked as a welder for a few years and made it to community college. Real cowboy or country-boy stuff. Had to pay for community college so I picked up a second job in Orthopedic Surgery, fell in love. Ortho Trauma is my jam. I...
  16. Hopefulishvet

    WAMC c/o 2028 1st time applicant low GPA

    Hey guys! I’m 24 years old, looking to apply to vet school. I graduated in 2022 with a degree in biology. My grades are pretty bad, in between university strikes (no class for long periods of time), my grandmother dying, Hurricane maria and earthquakes… it’s been hard. So far I’m planning on...
  17. G

    When should I consider an SMP?

    I am currently in my senior year right now, and my lack of success in the application is worrisome. Under what circumstances should I consider an SMP? I like the idea of having a guaranteed interview after completion of the SMP but there is the possibility I perform just average in the program...
  18. F

    Advice on application with low SMP GPA

    Anybody have advice on what to do with these stats and whether or not I should I apply this cycle? I did a masters of medical science program and I have not taken the MCAT but am planning on taking it in March/April. AAMCAS GPAs uGPA- 2.83 sGPA- 2.65 SMP GPA- 3.0 Clinical hours- 500+...
  19. caroliner91

    WAMC? C/O 2027 low gpa and where to improve?

    Hi there! This is my first post on the SDN so I'm probably going to forget a few things so bear with me! 21F, 1st time applicant, IS Texas resident, OOS TN college student. Biology Major on Pre-Vet Track with a minor in Environmental Studies Overall GPA was a 3.29 Undergrad Non-BCPM GPA is a...
  20. Yomiravet

    Retake classes vs graduate program (non-thesis)

    Hello! I applied to vet school during the last VMCAS cycle. I was invited to do an interview but unfortunately, I was denied because of I never took more than 3 classes in any semester during my undergrad. This was upsetting to hear but it is my first time applying and I am still hopeful. My...
  21. M

    Need Help Making a List of possible Med Schools

    Hi all! I’m a rising senior (one semester left) needing some help making up a list of medical schools -AA female -cgpa: 3.5 -sgpa: 3.2 -mcat: not sure when I’m taking it yet -B.A Biology -Africana studies minor -President of my university’s Black Student Alliance (biggest political org...
  22. F

    Premed office at my school useless, need advice.

    So to sum it up briefly, the premed offices in my school are pretty useless and I need some help. I'm a senior however due to me switching majors I'm going to graduate a semester late. One of the main reasons for the switch was I was previously an engineering major and my sophmore year I took...
  23. J

    Non-trad & low GPA

    Hello all! Long story short I am first-gen, sexual minority, and completed undergrad back in 2014 as a Human Biology major at UC San Diego (cGPA of 2.8, sGPA of 2.72) and did the majority of my lower divs at community college after having to move back home due to some family deaths and shaky...
  24. RedemptionThroughKnowledg

    WAMC + School List Nurse / DNP Student 3.27 cgpa and 503 MCAT

    Hello everyone! Thank you to this wonderful community for your time. I am a NonTrad who worked before college then went to Nursing School. I recently withdrew from a DNP program to pursue Medicine DO or MD I personally love both. I am finishing most of my prereqs this Summer. I have posted...
  25. B

    Assessing if I should apply

    Hi everyone :) hoping to get some advice!! Here’s my profile: Currently a management consultant at an MBB (top 3 firm) My overall college GPA was low— 3.4 with stark upward trend (senior year was 3.9) MCAT score 518 Had 2 funded research internships in a top hospital prior to MBB Have...
  26. T

    CO school for reinvention postbacc

    Need some help deciding on a school to postbac at. I'm in the serious reinvention category with a 2.86 undergrad gpa with a few Ds and Cs in my med school prereqs, so I am looking to retake those classes and then add on a bunch of upper level science classes to bump up my stats and show a strong...
  27. D

    Terrible undergrad GPA, what are my chances?

    I did terribly in undergraduate, was enrolled in one of those bs/dds accelerated program schools. The same old "excuse" per say but went through depression, domestic abuse, major anxiety, and was a diagnosed alcoholic. Graduated with 2.66 overall gpa and sub 2.5 sgpa. Went to therapy, got...
  28. 1

    Dominican University Bachelors of Medical Science Postbacc

    I am considering Dominican University's (Illinois) Bachelors of Medical Science for my postbacc program. I'm having trouble finding information about the program and was wondering if anyone has either been through the program or knows anything about the program. I struggled a lot in undergrad...
  29. HappyPerson

    Should I really give up on medicine?

    Hello, I’m usually not put down by others but my premed advisor really hurt me. I graduated 2 years ago with a bachelors in biology with a cumulative gpa of 3.46 and a amcas science gpa of 3.13 and aacomas science gpa of 3.21. I have thousands of hours of scribing, medical assitant, community...
  30. A

    WAMC Low GPA Canadian Non-Trad Applicant for US Schools (Post-Bacc)

    TL;DR What are my chances: UG GPA: 2.93 Post-Bacc: 4.0 oGPA: 3.22 (3.36 if I wait an extra yr) DAT: 27 AA Hi everyone, I'm feeling a little hopeless right now and after looking through multiple threads and not finding anybody in a similar situation to mine, I decided to make this post to see...
  31. ch3yruh

    WAMC c/o 2027

    Hi!! Long time lurker but this is my first time posting on here. This will be my 3rd cycle applying,1st cycle applied in 2019 and 2nd cycle applied 2021. Graduated undergrad with Animal Biology major and currently in an Laboratory Animal Science Masters (graduating spring 2022). Also, California...
  32. monti12

    Accepted to dental school with low GPA and low DAT

    Hi, I got a lot of hope from reading other journeys similar to mine while I was in the process so I thought I'd share! I was *finally* accepted to dental school this cycle! About me: Non traditional (I graduated with my Neuro degree in 2015) took the rest of my pre-reqs at both a community...
  33. M

    SMP or DIY/Formal Post-Bacc for MD/PhD?

    Hi everyone, I am currently in my first gap year working in a lab full-time (3000+ research hours and hopefully 2 pubs by June 2022). I was looking to apply to MD/PhD programs for the 2022-2023 cycle but my stats are a bit lacking: 516 MCAT, 3.2 uGPA (3.74 sGPA, pretty severe downward trend...
  34. H

    WAMC's: 514 MCAT, 3.71 post-bacc, no MD ii's, MD vs DO?

    I'm about 6 years post-bacc and decided to apply to only MD schools after receiving my 514 MCAT, which I'm now worried was a mistake. I'm a bit non-traditional and was previously pre-PA before deciding I had it in me to pursue medical school in full. cGPA 3.38 (post-bacc cGPA 3.7), cBCPM 3.36...
  35. K

    WAMC: Low Master’s GPA, Good / decent DAT

    Hey all, I’ll just post my stats and let y’all do your thing. Have you heard of anyone getting into dental school w/ these stats? Im currently 80k in debt w student loans, so I’m trying to grasp for any hope at this point. I took the DAT once after undergrad. My last hope to make up for my...
  36. A

    WAMC? Low undergrap, high SMP

  37. captainClappa

    WAMC 20 DAT 3.1 cGPA 2.9 sGPA

    Date of submission: Sep 7 Overall GPA: 3.1 Science GPA: 2.9 Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: 2.65 DAT score: 20AA 20TS (18,19,24) 19PAT 20QR 17RC State of Residence: Ohio Major: Bio Definitely Count as disadvantaged, but not necessarily minority Reapplicant? No Nontrad? No, added a 5th undergrad year...
  38. G

    School list help for 2023

  39. I

    English PhD --> MD/Psychiatrist?

    Deleted! Thank you!
  40. vsanc085

    WAMC c/o 2026 * need reply before 29th!

    Hi everyone! I am a first time, florida resident, traditional applicant. I have applied to Washington, Florida, Colorado, Illinois, and Cornell. My GPA is 3.33 but was calculated as a 3.2 on VMCAS. I have two repeated classes and two classes I dropped. There is a significant increase in my...